Learning Tolerance from Ben and George
In a post modern world devoid of Truth, the loudest voice always wins; and the shouting match has never been louder than the present. Christians and Secularists wage an ugly war against each other in which "civility" is a forgotten word. Propositional truth in a hyper-sensitive age is met with accusations of "Intolerance!" as if tolerance required full acceptance, promotion, and propagation of the other side's view. It does not. Meet Ben and George. Benjamin Franklin was a self-proclaimed deist , which is the belief of an impersonal God who does not interact with his creation. Franklin is most commonly known as a Founding Father of America and an elder statesman in the Constitutional Convention. He was a genius of a man who did a little bit of everything; Franklin was a: printer, scientist, inventor, politician, author...etc. More commonly today he is known for his likeness on the 100 dollar...