Thanksgiving was timely this year. Just a week before we gathered at my mom and dad's with family and friends, my little boy Hudson was born. He was 7 pounds 2 ounces. 20 inches long. The delivery was fantastic and everything seemed to line up perfectly. I am so blessed. In fact as I write it is 1:09 AM--and he is up and getting some food. Apparently this is how babies roll (I am learning as I go if you could not tell). When I was in the hospital with Montana during the active labor portion of childbirth, there were a few moments when I was struck with the "bigness" of what was occurring. This was not any momentary event. This was not just another task that we stress over or try to manipulate as best we can. What I got to see was the miracle of life--and I felt quite small and powerless as I witnessed this little man enter the world. It was truly an unbelievable experience, one I will never forget. And now where there was two of us entering St. Mary...