Book in Review: Karl Marx (Great Thinkers)
I am a Marx novice, but wanted to get a proper introduction to a thinker whose work has left such an indelible and bloody mark on history. Marxist thought is also making a sweeping comeback in college campuses and in the new Left movement (particularly among the young)--class warfare, class oppression, elevation of the socio political to the primary, lumping the individual into the collective--all ring familiarly of Marx. For this reason I wanted to read an analysis of Marx from a Christian perspective to see where he, as well as the new movements, fall short. Dennison gives a brief and academic analysis of the life and works of Karl Marx. He then charts Marx's view of history and followed by (my favorite part) a Christian Presuppositional Analysis of Marx's view of History. Interestingly enough we see that not all (key word all) of Marxist thought is evil. Marx observed vast injustice in his day through the division of labor--where the rich minority were only g...