
Showing posts from November, 2020

The God Who Sees

The book of Genesis is as raw as they come. We see the whole wheelhouse of man’s depravity exhibited throughout this introductory book: murder, deceit, adultery, incest, envy, pride. All manner of wanton wickedness is laid bare for the modern reader to see. There is also the corresponding judgment on the part of God against those made in his image. There is the expulsion from Eden, there is the worldwide flood, the confusing of the languages, the fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah. In this primal setting all pretenses are put aside and the true natures of things are laid bare. God is holy and mankind is lost in the effects of sin and death. While much of the plan of God is still hidden in the dim light of early revelation, we nevertheless see aspects of God’s character that should cause us to wonder at His goodness and grace. There is the promise for redemption after the fall through the seed of the woman, the provision of the ark for Noah and the animals, the calling of Abra...