Book in Review: The Screwtape Letters
As many of you know I enjoy a lot of C. S. Lewis' writings. My Dad read the Chronicles of Narnia to me and my sisters growing up, and since then many of his other writings have become personal favorites. Lewis has a truly unique way of writing and framing ideas, which is part of what makes him so enjoyable to read. The Screwetape Letters is a good rehashing of much of Lewis's thought, presented in the negative perspective of a senior devil giving advice and admonishment to a junior devil. The junior devil has been given a human "patient" and it is the devil's duty to ensure that he does not end up in "the Enemy's" possession. For those of you who may be new to Lewis, this book is an easy to read synopsis of many of his writings—and therefore a great place to start. As usual, Lewis's understanding of pure human pleasure and desire as something God given is refreshing. The devils decry their inability to create a new positive pleasure wit...