Revive us again

Creation is groaning. Can you hear it? Attacks in Paris. Attacks in Beirut. Refugees fleeing Syria at a historical pace. We currently live in a world where human beings are trafficked like beasts. And where unborn children are slaughtered by the thousands in the name of choice.

And we groan along with all of creation: “How much longer will things be this way?”

What we need is healing on a massive scale. We need the world to be changed and restored. To whom do we turn? With new elections coming up we can always hope for new policies or procedures that will make things right. Maybe we could fix income inequality and revive humanity’s potential. Science could discover new technologies to fix our climate and global conditions to in turn make societies peaceful. Right?

Wrong. Our problem is so much deeper. The problem is us. It is inside of us. As G.K. Chesterton said over a century ago: The problem is Me. 

We need help. What we cry for is for is intervention of the Divine. For God to revive us again. We can pray for God to change the world, but are we ourselves actually changed? Have we tasted the living water and been renewed? Revival does not start on a distant continent with “those people.” Revival starts with you and it starts with me.

So will you pray with me? Pray for the hurting world. Pray for the wounded and the oppressed. Pray for our nation. And pray for revival in you and in me.


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