Book in Review: Do More Better

Productivity for Dummies

I am a pretty big fan of Tim Challies and his writings. He is a pastor, a speaker, a great blogger, and an avid reader--whose book reviews are both excellent and extensive. When I heard that he had released a new book (that was a short length and about productivity) I jumped at the chance and immediately bought it on my kindle.

In the introductory pages (an possibly my favorite part of the book) Tim paints a Biblical framework for productivity. Why are we doing this in the first place? Why do we do anything? Tim defines productivity as "effectively stewarding your gifts, talents, time, energy, and enthusiasm for the good of others and the glory of God." Since we are created by God for the purpose of glorifying God, everything we do matters. This should revolutionize the way we see productivity. It is not about us getting more stuff done for the sake of ourselves. It is about us getting more stuff done in order that we may bless others and glorify God--thereby being good stewards of all God has entrusted to us.

"Do More Better" is as practical as it gets. Though gospel fueled throughout, Tim quickly gets out of the conceptual world and goes straight to application. He provides a step by step rubric to getting your life organized. By promoting free online programs like: evernote (information management), todoist (task management), google calendar (scheduling tool), "Do More Better" is more like a sequential instruction manual than a book about productivity concepts. It is very much based on the "How to"--with clear and effective tips throughout.

As a rather disorganized young man myself (with growing responsibilities on the way), I think the publishing of this book was well timed. I am not sure how effective the implementation of the online tools will be for me--but I will give them a shot. More than anything this book helped see productivity through a gospel lens; a legitimate and important tool to glorify God and build His Kingdom.

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