The Wrath of God

“Who considers the power of your anger, and your wrath according to the fear of you?” -Psalm 90:11

I recently ran across an R. C. Sproul message on the wrath of God. I was so impacted by it that I thought I would put a link to the YouTube video on here for everyone to listen to.

Because as Moses asks in the magisterial Psalm 90, “who considers the power of your anger?” The question is rhetorical, but I will answer it anyways: no one does! We hate to consider the challenging attributes of God. We are mystified, even sufficiently so, at the strange and unreasonable concept of God’s holiness. And because we would prefer God to be a God of love who only accepts us, we often unconsciously strip him of His wrath, which might be the most dangerous thing we can do.

For what we prefer to believe about God can never and will never change the reality of the immutable nature of who He is. Nor does it change the reality that the wrath of God is revealed against all ungodliness, both yours and mine. The judgment of God is coming, and His fury will be hot. Our hearts need to come to grips with this reality, and we need to make provision through the Lamb.

One of the fascinating things about the Great Awakening in the 18th Century was the complete and utter brokenness over sin present throughout the revival. I encourage you to read some of the accounts of the preaching of Edwards or Whitefield during that time period and compare it to the times in which we live. The Holy Spirit was moving in such a way, and the judgment of God was preached with such clarity that people absolutely lost it. Tears would flow. People would wail or even collapse on the floor. In fact there was such a physical response to the Spiritual content of the preaching that anti-revivalists accused it of being demonic. What was happening was--like the prophet Isaiah--the masses were finding themselves “undone” before the presence of so Holy a God.

But in 2017 America, such primitive talk of “mourning” and “repentance” of sin is nothing more than a laughingstock. Even in our churches we are far to civilized to stoop to such a level. We do not think of sin, even our own, as something as serious as to merit that full, unmitigated wrath of God. We might struggle against our sin and even ask God for forgiveness, but do our hearts break over it? Do we truly grieve it? I think such responses today are far too rare, even in me.

We all need to pray for a heart of genuine repentance. For a heart that breaks over sin like King David who prayed in Psalm 51, “My sacrifice is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.”


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