I have been blogging on here for almost a year and a half, and the intent has always been more selfish than it has been for the benefit of others. As a slower, internal processor of information, writing has been a great way for me to try to form some of the ambiguous and formless thoughts that bounce around in my head, and hopefully make them a little more defined.

So for the different things I am wrestling with internally, or impressions I get from different books I am grappling with, or even experiences I may be struggling with personally—writing on here helps me “iron out” what I believe. If God uses it in any way to bless someone else, well that is great!

I am pleased to say that “Homeward Bound” has gone over 10,000 views all time this past weekend. With 114 total posts this averages out to about 87 views per post--which is really awesome! We are not viral by any means, but that never has been the objective. You may notice that click bait titles or extreme stances on controversial positions have never been too prominent on here.

Some of the most popular posts have been:

Feel free to read, comment, and share what you enjoy. I also want to thank my friends in France who have been reading the blog (for the last few months readers in France have been dominating the page views). Feel free to contact me via email if you would like to get in touch or suggest different topics you would like me to address.

For those of us who are in Christ Jesus, we are all on this journey homeward together. And we have a long way to go yet. Let's keep going on one step at a time, confident that He will complete the work He started in us at the day of Christ (Phil 1:6).


  1. Congratulations, Daniel on this milestone. May it quadruple in the next year. I say that, not to swell your head, but because of the benefit folks may derive from it. I marvel at the talent God has given you to write so eloquently. Maybe you ought to write a book and publish it. Maybe an e-book. Not hard to get those on line at places like Smashwords or even Amazon. In any event, I encourage you to continue.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Dick! I have actually thought of writing a book before, but I think I lack some of the patience it requires...HA!


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