Be Prepared

Last night I just missed two Mormon missionaries who were visiting my house. Not to worry, they will be back. Montana informed them that I will be available later this week, so the onus is on me to be prepared. I consider myself sufficiently warned.

The biggest issue that I can gather between Mormonism and orthodox Christianity is a question of canon. Mormonism, like any other cult, believes that the Bible as we have it today is in some way, shape, or form—insufficient. They believe that through the centuries following Christ, the Bible was corrupted through transmissions, which made it necessary for new revelation be provided from heaven to “restore the gospel” of the Jesus Christ.

And while I have the utmost confidence that God’s word will accomplish what He purposes; that it will not return void (Isaiah 55:11); that Christ, who built his church on the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Eph 2:20), promised to Peter that the gates of hell will not stand against His church (Matt 16:18)—the Mormon visitors have prompted me to do some more research on why I know the Scriptural canon to be true. For if the Scripture is complete and preserved (as we believe) there would be no need for new revelation.

Linked here is an excellent source. Michael J Kruger is a New Testament and Early Christianity Professor at Reformed Theological Seminary who has written several books on the veracity of the Scriptures. He also has an excellent blog entitled “Canon Fodder” which speaks to the issues of transmission and authenticity of the early New Testament writings. For starters I have linked a page to his series entitled “Ten Basic Facts About the NT Canon that Every Christian Should Memorize.”

Read for your own pleasure. It is on us to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us—whether it is to the people at our work or Mormons at our door.


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