In Every Change
Here is a quick life update as there has been a lot going on
of late.
Montana had a sonogram for baby #2 due in early September,
and we praise God everything is going well! The report came back positive;
though due to my wife's wishes we did not find out the gender. In some things,
it is important to choose your battles wisely!
I have been blessed with some awesome ministry opportunities
which are all too cool! I preached back to back weeks the last two weeks (first
at The Mission and then at my home church) which I really enjoyed. You can
watch my message at Faith Bible Church here.
Professionally, I had a job interview several weeks back and
then, naturally, a big job decision to make. I switched last Monday to a new
position within the same company, which is looking far more intensive than what
I had been doing previously (this is good!). But it is becoming all too clear that I am in
need of reorganizing my life, because its pace is increasing. I don't see it
slowing down any time soon either.
On top of all this my grandfather on my mom's side has been
in the hospital with health issues. My parents went over to Finland two weeks
ago to see him and minister to the family, which turned out to be a good trip
for them. Travelling to Finland has always been our big family vacation growing
up; but with the recent developments it is tough to get over and see them. Papa
has achieved somewhat a "legend status" in my mind. The language barrier, the
cultural differences, his story-telling daughters--have all only elevated his legendary
mystique in my mind. It is very hard for all of us to face the facts that he is
getting older, but we rejoice with great joy that he has found peace in Jesus Christ.
I am reminded as we go through the continual changes of life, and the joys and pains it always brings, of the hymn "Be Still my
Soul". There is a line in there which says, "In every change, He
faithful will remain."
Life is always changing. We face struggles and hardships,
but we also experience joys and deep pleasures. Sometimes we are blessed to
witness special moments where God moves with power, and we praise Him for that!
Through it all, God is faithful, and He walks with those who are His. As we
adjust to the current changes, and anticipate further ones down the road, we
delight in the reality that in every change God remains faithful to us. He
faithful will remain.
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