Wind, Wind!

My now two year old boy has been having trouble going to sleep. Frequently Montana and I will hear him cry, "Wind, wind!" from his crib. On some evenings if the wind hits the side of the house just right, it will howl. The boy being only two years old is afraid. As he has developed he has grown in his sensitivity to danger, noises, scary things.

A few nights ago I held Hudson in his room and I gave him a mini sermon on the sovereignty of God. I started on a naturally human level. I tried to explain to him how the winds is logically not a scary thing. At least not in November in Southern Maryland. Maybe on an island in the Pacific during typhoon season, but not here. Even if it did really blow we are blessed with a structurally sound house that shelters us from its effects. The noise is, just that: noise. It is outside of our house and the noise cannot really do anything to us.

"But even if it could harm us, God is sovereign over the wind," I explained. Nothing, no wind, no storm--is outside of His control and purpose. So we need to trust God that if He loves us, and if all things, even the wind cannot blow outside his decrees--we can trust Him to take care of us. Through howls and all.

A few days later I was hit by a shocking situation with my job. My company received word that in a re-compete it unexpectedly lost the contract I am under. As it stands now, in February I will be without a job, but the likelihood of that happening is pretty slim. Regardless, thoughts flooded my brain when the news broke:

I wonder what the new company will offer me?

Will my old company offer me a different position similar to what I am doing now?

Should I have taken that other job back in the spring? Yeah, in hindsight turning that one down was probably a mistake.

Worse comes to worse we have some money saved up for this purpose--but if it truly comes to it, we can move in with my parents.

My initial panic mode regarding my job is very similar to my son with the wind. It is the same lesson, just a little different application. If God is sovereign over the wind He is sovereign over careers and finances. He is sovereign over my family and my two boys. Looking back over the last 27 years of life I see God has blessed me time and time again. He has gotten me through my share of challenges and fears. In His hands I have found continual shelter and peace.

Just as I told my son, we all need to be reminded: He is in control and He can be trusted.   


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