Why I am Encouraged in 2020

2020 thus far looks like something out of a dystopian novel. We have been in various stages of quarantine and shutdown due to COVID19 since March. Riots mirroring revolutions of a former era are taking to the streets. The city of Portland looks like Falujah. The government appears to be enjoying flexing muscle to see just how far they can go in the name of public health and safety. All of these are ominous indications of what is to come. Bear in mind we have an election this year as well.

As Christians there is always bad news it seems. Prominent figures "de-convert" with frequency. Christians everywhere are being taken up with the latest cultural political movements. A Supreme Court ruling LGBT discrimination from businesses to be unconstitutional looks to be disastrous for churches and schools that wish to remain orthodox. And our nation is still aborting hundreds of unborn children every day in the name of choice. 

In light of all this, I am so encouraged. This past Sunday I preached a message at the local Mission on Isaiah 50:10-11. Though the group was still small due to restrictions, eyes were glued, people engaged and interacting. I talked about the two roads presented to all people: one which involves trusting in God and His Servant, the other, trusting and walking in your own light. The first leads to life, the latter to torment eternal. In fact, the lights we kindle to save us are the very instruments God uses to destroy us: "This you have from my hand." I gave my notes to a man afterwords who asked for them. 

I listened to my Pastor online immediately after and heard him stand up and proclaim "Thus saith the Lord" without compromise: "Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven..."

This morning I listened to a famous prosperity preacher proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ which saves from the wrath to come. Saying at one point: "This is hard for me, because I feel like have not preached the whole gospel." It was an awesome message that brought tears to my eyes.

I further listened to a faithful man of God stand in defiance to an order of his state suspending indefinitely church gatherings. As he gathered under some threats from the authorities as well as much condemnation from Christians, he proclaimed: "The church always refines its convictions under duress. This is not a problem to be feared, this is a triumphant hour for the church to be the church."

I think this is why I am so encouraged. It may be 2020, but God is the same God He was in A.D. 50. He is still enthroned, and nothing that happens here below can do anything to dethrone Him. He is the same God who laughs at the raging of the nations. He still declares today: "My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please."

These foreboding signs and threats about us might be just what we have been waiting for. We have been praying for revival and renewal, and maybe this is the critical step. The body of Christ is being purified; its message is being clarified. There is no longer room for a third way, for a comfortable middle ground. There is no longer room for, as my pastor preached, a house simultaneously built on the sand and the rock. It is time for preachers who do not declare the whole counsel of God to close up shop (and thanks to COVID19 many are). It is time for those church attenders who have imbibed the world's messaging to leave. This is the pivotal moment: "How long will you go on limping between two different opinions? if the Lord is God, follow Him, but if Baal, follow him." May the chaff be sifted out, and the churches' proclamations be clear and bold.

All this reminds me of what Mr. Beaver said in that Narnia classic: "Aslan is on the move!" Yes, there are great armies assembled against us. Yes, the evil one has great power. Yes, I am legitimately concerned about my country. But God reigns. His name is above every name. And He is on the move.


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